

热爱技术的小菜鸟, 记录一下所学所感

The God Pen Ma Liang is here - Recording the installation and usage of AnimatedDrawings.

title: The Arrival of Magic Pen Malang - Recording the Installation and Usage of AnimatedDrawings
date: 2023-04-25 20:16:01
tags: [AI, Meta]#


AnimatedDrawings is a tool used to animate hand-drawn graphics. The following will introduce how to install and use this tool.

Main Content#

1. How to Install and Use AnimatedDrawings#

Installation Steps

  1. Install Miniconda
    Before installing AnimatedDrawings, you need to install Miniconda or Anaconda. You can download and install it according to the instructions on the official website.

  2. Create a Virtual Environment and Install AnimatedDrawings
    Execute the following commands in the terminal:

conda create --name animated_drawings python=3.8.13
conda activate animated_drawings
git clone
cd AnimatedDrawings
pip install -e .

Usage Steps

  1. Run the Python Interpreter
    Execute the following command in the terminal:
  1. Import AnimatedDrawings
    Execute the following command in the Python interpreter:
from animated_drawings import render
  1. Generate Animation


Other Features

  1. Generate MP4 Video
  1. Export GIF with Transparent Background

2. How to Make Tasks in Your Hand-Drawn Paintings Come to Life#

To make the annotations information for the characters, follow these steps:

Using TorchServe can help generate animations, and Docker containers are required to run it:

git clone 
cd AnimatedDrawings
cd torchserve
docker build -t docker_torchserve .
docker run -d --name docker_torchserve -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 docker_torchserve

This will start a Docker container for generating pose estimation files for hand-drawn graphics.

To create animation effects based on the generated pose estimation files, use the following one-line command:

cd ../examples && python drawings/jerry.png jerry_out



If the pose estimation is incorrect, you can run python to start a web interface for manually modifying the annotations in a visual way. After updating, execute python jerry_out.

So far, it has been about creating animations for a humanoid object. If there are multiple objects and you want to add different backgrounds or draw a giant monster with several tentacles, don't worry, the project provides relevant configuration files in the directory examples/config/mvc, which can be modified according to the configuration files.

3. How to Customize Different Action Effects#

To create a BVH file, follow these basic steps:

  1. Record yourself dancing with your hands and feet using a camera.
  2. Use Rokoko to export BVH from the recorded video (requires wearing equipment to capture motion and posture).
  3. Create a new motion config file and retarget config file to fit the skeleton exported by Rokoko.
  4. Use AnimatedDrawings to create animation effects for hand-drawn graphics.

The command to create an example project is as follows:

from animated_drawings import render


4. Conclusion#

AnimatedDrawings is a very interesting and practical tool, just like the magic pen Malang, giving life to characters and animals drawn with a pen.



Official AnimatedDrawings Project


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