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OpenChatVideoEditor - Open source short video generation and editing tool

Tool Sharing#

OpenChatVideoEditor, an open source short video generation and editing tool.




  1. One-click generation of usable short videos, including: dubbing, background music, subtitles, etc.

  2. Algorithms and data are based on open source projects, facilitating technical communication and learning.

  3. Supports multiple input data, making it easy to convert various types of data into short videos. Currently supports:

  • Text to Video: Generates short video scripts based on input short sentences and synthesizes short videos.
  • URL to Video: Automatically extracts content from web pages, generates video scripts, and creates short videos.
  • Long Video to Short Video: Analyzes and summarizes input long videos, and generates short videos.
  1. Covers various mainstream algorithms and models, such as: ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, CLIP, etc., including generation models and multimodal retrieval models.


  • Image retrieval
  • Image generation using stable diffusion
  • Image retrieval followed by image generation based on stable diffusion
  • Video retrieval
  • ......


Supports Windows, Linux, and Docker.


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