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PaddlePaddle-Industrial Deep Learning Platform


This article briefly introduces PaddlePaddle.

PaddlePaddle, based on Baidu's years of deep learning technology research and business applications, is China's first independently developed, fully functional, open-source industrial deep learning platform. It integrates deep learning core training and inference frameworks, basic model libraries, end-to-end development kits, and a rich set of tool components.


Main Content#

1. What is PaddlePaddle#

PaddlePaddle, based on Baidu's years of deep learning technology research and business applications, is China's first independently developed, fully functional, open-source industrial deep learning platform. It integrates deep learning core training and inference frameworks, basic model libraries, end-to-end development kits, and a rich set of tool components. Currently, PaddlePaddle has accumulated 5.35 million developers and served 200,000 companies. It has generated 670,000 models based on the open-source deep learning platform. PaddlePaddle helps developers quickly realize AI ideas and quickly launch AI businesses. It helps more and more industries achieve AI empowerment and realize industrial intelligence upgrading.

2. PaddlePaddle Features#

  • Easy-to-use industrial deep learning framework

  • Support for training large-scale deep learning models

  • Support for high-performance inference deployment tools on multiple platforms

  • Open-source and open to industry applications, covering a wide range of industrial-grade model libraries

PaddlePaddle itself is a platform, and various models it supports are in different sub-model libraries, such as the classification library PaddleClas, detection library PaddleDetection, segmentation library PaddleSeg, OCR, NLP, speech, video, etc. For more details, please refer to the Model Library.

Each sub-model library contains various mainstream model implementations, which users can easily train or deploy.

3. Using PaddlePaddle#

pip install paddlepaddle
pip install paddlepaddle-gpu
# Install the appropriate version of PaddlePaddle that supports CUDA. You can check the corresponding version for download.
python -m pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==2.4.2.post112 -f

Then install the required sub-model libraries. The official website provides detailed tutorials and community support.

4. Conclusion#

PaddlePaddle, as a deep learning platform developed by Baidu, has a relatively high level of completeness, documentation, and community support. Another similar project is OpenMMLab, a computer vision algorithm library project. It is an algorithm platform open-sourced by the joint laboratory of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and SenseTime. However, the latter focuses on the field of computer vision, while PaddlePaddle supports the implementation of models in more fields.

PS: PaddlePaddle users can use GPU resources for free for a certain period of time on aistudio. This is Baidu's online deep learning platform, which I have not used and I am not sure if it can be used for free.

As mentioned in the official project: "PaddlePaddle users can receive free Tesla V100 online computing resources to train models more efficiently. 8 hours of free usage per day. Go to use free computing resources."


Reference articles:

Official Project



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