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SuperAGI - Build and run useful autonomous AI agents quickly and reliably.

Tool Sharing#

SuperAGI is an open-source framework for autonomous AI agents that allows developers to build, manage, and run useful autonomous agents quickly and reliably.



Provides, generates, and deploys autonomous AI agents, extends agent functionality with tools, seamlessly runs concurrent agents, graphical user interface, action console, multiple vector databases, multi-mode agents, agent trajectory fine-tuning, performance telemetry, optimized token usage, agent memory, heuristic cycle detection, concurrent agent resource manager tool, and more.


Official tutorial:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  • Register and obtain API information for Google Cloud Console and Google Programmable Search Engine

    • Google API key
    • Custom search engine ID
  • OpenAI API key

  • Register and obtain API information for Pincone (optional)

  • Other APIs (optional)

  • Install the project

    git clone git clone && cd SuperAGI
    # Set up API parameters in the configuration file
    cp config_template.yaml config.yaml
    # Modify `3000:80` to `3001:80` in docker-compose.yaml to avoid port conflict between the GUI container and the proxy port on the same machine
    docker-compose up -d --build
  • Run

    Enter http://localhost:3001 in your browser to access SuperAGI



Official Website

Direct Docker deployment


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