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InternGPT - A language-driven visual interaction system.


This article provides a brief introduction to InternGPT.

InternGPT allows users to interact with a chatbot through clicking, dragging, and drawing in a multimodal way. It supports functionalities such as having conversations and interactive operations with the chatbot after uploading images.

Main Content#

1. What is InternGPT#


2. InternGPT Features#

InternGPT has a wide range of features, including object removal, interactive image editing, image generation, interactive visual question answering, interactive image generation, and video highlight commentary. In addition, the project also supports functionalities such as search engines, voice assistants, click interactions, interactive image editing, interactive image generation, video descriptions, dense video descriptions, and video highlight extraction. The latest version also supports audio-to-image generation.

3. Using InternGPT#

It is recommended to manually download the model parameters from the official model_zoo provided. If the script's automatic download is slow, the main model components are HuskyVQA, SegmentAnything, ImageOCRRecognition, imagebing, and the latest reproduction model of DragGAN from here.

After installing the dependencies, run to open the gradio interface.

4. Conclusion#

The visual question answering model in InternGPT is HuskyVQA, trained based on llama. The project's official statement claims that it has reached the top level in the industry, and the results are indeed impressive after testing.

I haven't tested the other features extensively as I have been busy recently, and technology is evolving too fast 😂

In summary, multimodal integration has become the norm, and any large-scale model that does not support multimodal interaction may be considered outdated in the future!



Official Project


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