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AnimateDiff - Add animation effects to text and images


This article provides a brief introduction to AnimateDiff.

AnimateDiff allows for the personalization of adding animation effects to text-to-image generation and supports the SD WebUI plugin.


Main Content#

1. What is AnimateDiff?#

AnimateDiff enables users to add animation effects to personalized text-to-image diffusion models without specific adjustments.

2. Using and Training AnimateDiff#

To use AnimateDiff, it is necessary to use a base text-to-image generation model and fine-tune the motion module model. The official website provides pre-trained personalized models. With these, animations can be generated by running specific commands.

  1. Install the main project
git clone
cd AnimateDiff

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate animatediff
  1. Use the base text-to-image generation model with the SD model

Download the model from this location: models/StableDiffusion/

  1. Download the fine-tuned parameters for the motion module

Download from this location:

  1. Download the officially provided pre-trained models
bash download_bashscripts/
bash download_bashscripts/
bash download_bashscripts/
bash download_bashscripts/
bash download_bashscripts/
bash download_bashscripts/
bash download_bashscripts/
bash download_bashscripts/

The models are available on CivitAI.

  1. Run

An example of generating an animation: python -m scripts.animate --config configs/prompts/1-ToonYou.yaml

3. Conclusion#

Currently, AnimateDiff also supports running with the SD WebUI plugin, which is very convenient. Various excellent SD-based models can be used as the base text-to-image generation model.

Final Notes#


Official Project



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