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ChatGPT-AutoExpert-Plugin to Enhance ChatGPT's Conversational Abilities

Tool Sharing#

ChatGPT-AutoExpert is a set of custom instructions designed to enhance the capabilities of the GPT-4 and GPT-3.5-Turbo conversation models.


ChatGPT-AutoExpert aims to provide users with accurate, context-rich information and a better learning experience. It includes features such as automatic problem improvement, slash commands, automatic framework and methodology selection, as well as high-quality, in-depth, multi-turn answers, and detailed explanations.

ChatGPT-AutoExpert has two versions: the Standard Edition for non-coding tasks, and the Developer Edition that requires GPT-4 and advanced data analysis.


  • Installing the Standard Edition

  • Installing the Developer Edition

    • The steps are similar to the above, but the content in the text boxes should be from the developer-edition folder

    • Start a new chat

    • Select GPT-4 for the new chat

    • Choose Advanced Data Analysis in the menu

    • Select the (+) button on the left side of Send a message at the bottom of the chat, and choose the file

    • Do not enter any additional text in the input text box, select the paper airplane icon to send an empty message and upload the file

    • If everything goes smoothly, you should see the title "ChatGPT AutoExpert (Developer Edition)" and an introduction to the tool


Used as a ChatGPT web interface plugin


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