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DragGAN- Interactive Image Manipulation Model with Arbitrary Point Control


This article provides a brief introduction to DragGAN.

LangGPT is a generative adversarial network model that allows interactive selection and precise movement of any point in an image, which is essentially a method to "outperform Photoshop".

Main Content#

1. What is DragGAN#

DragGAN allows users to "drag" any point in an image to reach a target point with precision, thereby deforming the image and manipulating the posture, shape, expression, and layout of different categories such as animals, cars, humans, and landscapes.

DragGAN provides an interactive approach to intuitive point-based image editing. This method allows users to easily "drag" the content of any GAN-generated image by clicking on several control points and target points on the image. The method then moves the control points to reach the corresponding target points with precision, making image manipulation easy.

If this technology is applied to Photoshop and Meitu Xiuxiu, it would be really "cool"!

2. DragGAN Architecture#

The basic architecture of DragGAN is based on StyleGAN.

According to the paper description, the model consists of two main components, including:

  1. Generator: Drives the interactive points to the target positions based on feature-based motion supervision. This is achieved by optimizing the shift feature block loss of the latent code, and each optimization step brings the interactive points closer to the target.

  2. Discriminator: A new point tracking method that utilizes discriminative generator features to continuously locate the positions of interactive points, and then performs point tracking through nearest neighbor search in the feature space.

3. DragGAN Official Results Showcase#

The result images are from the official project homepage.


4. Conclusion#

Currently, the source code for DragGAN has not been released, and the official release is expected in June.

First of all, GAN-based methods are generally much smaller than diffusion models, which means they can run on ordinary devices. Secondly, after being open-sourced, they can be integrated into various image processing software, making image manipulation even more convenient.

As mentioned in the previous analysis of diffusion models, although diffusion models have good performance, it does not mean that other generative models are useless. Now, DragGAN is here, which shows that there are still many areas to explore in GANs, and they are more cost-effective in engineering research compared to diffusion models.



Official Project
Official Project Homepage
Paper Link


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