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Analysis of AutoGPT Principle


This article provides a brief introduction to what Auto-GPT is and its implementation principles, without covering installation and usage tutorials or obtaining API keys.

Main Content#

1. What is Auto-GPT#

The official description of Auto-GPT is as follows: Auto-GPT is an experimental open-source application showcasing the capabilities of the GPT-4 language model. This program, driven by GPT-4, chains together LLM "thoughts" to autonomously achieve whatever goal you set. As one of the first examples of GPT-4 running fully autonomously, Auto-GPT pushes the boundaries of what is possible with AI.

In simple terms, it means automatic execution to achieve user-defined goals.

2. Features of Auto-GPT#

Here is the official definition, which is self-explanatory.

🌐 Internet access for searches and information gathering

💾 Long-term and short-term memory management

🧠 GPT-4 instances for text generation

🔗 Access to popular websites and platforms

🗃️ File storage and summarization with GPT-3.5

🔌 Extensibility with Plugins

3. Principles of Auto-GPT#

Before explaining the principles, let's introduce the information that needs to be set when using Auto-GPT. When running the program, the user will be asked to set three variables: the name of the robot (ai_name), the role of the robot (ai_role), and the desired goals to be achieved (ai_goals). The program will automatically execute based on these three variables to obtain ai_goals.

So how does it achieve automatic execution? By using Prompts! The logic should be as follows:

The user presents a goal and asks GPT-4 to break it down into several sub-goals and the next step goal. The sub-goals are saved, and the next step goal is thrown back to GPT-4. This process is repeated, allowing for both goal decomposition and execution planning, thus completing an automatic and continuous execution flow.

This is a logically sound step that we can think of. There are many details involved, and Auto-GPT handles them very well. The code related to the principles, specifically the Prompt-related code, can be found in the autogpt/ and autogpt/ files.

For example, rules are set for GPT-4, defining the reply format, operations that can be performed, available resources, and other constraints:

# Add constraints to the PromptGenerator object
    "~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so"
    " immediately save important information to files."
    "If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past"
    " events, thinking about similar events will help you remember."
prompt_generator.add_constraint("No user assistance")
	'Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. "command name"'
	"Use subprocesses for commands that will not terminate within a few minutes"
# Define the command list
# Add resources to the PromptGenerator object
	"Internet access for searches and information gathering."
prompt_generator.add_resource("Long Term memory management.")
	"GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks."
prompt_generator.add_resource("File output.")

# Add performance evaluations to the PromptGenerator object
    "Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to"
    " the best of your abilities."
	"Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly."
	"Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach."
    "Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in"
    " the least number of steps."

With such a Prompt, GPT-4 can output information that meets the requirements.

4. GUI Interface and Chinese Localization#

Auto-GPT is a terminal-based program, but for ordinary users, they may prefer a GUI interface for easier interaction. Additionally, Chinese localization is required.

There are related projects that have implemented these features, such as the GUI project, which only requires Node.js and Python environments.

It is important to note that this project is currently not actively maintained and still uses the v1 version of Auto-GPT. The current version of Auto-GPT is v2, and the execution commands are different. The relevant code can be found in the apps/frontend/src/hooks/useAutoGPTStarter.ts file. Modify the command variable in the useAutoGPTStarter function. For the v1 version of Auto-GPT, the execution command is python scripts/, and for the v2 version, the execution command is python -m autogpt.

The Chinese version of Auto-GPT can be used with this project, which is kept in sync with the official project.

5. Conclusion#

Based on AutoGPT, many interesting and useful tasks can be accomplished in the future. Here are some prospects:

  1. More efficient natural language processing: AutoGPT can improve the efficiency and performance of natural language processing tasks through automated model selection and hyperparameter optimization.

  2. Automatic text generation: AutoGPT can automatically generate text, including generating articles, summaries, dialogues, etc., providing more textual resources for humans.

  3. Automatic code generation: AutoGPT can learn from existing code repositories and automatically generate code, improving the efficiency of software development.

  4. Automatic speech recognition and generation: AutoGPT can be used for speech recognition and generation, automatically generating speech content by learning speech patterns and features.

  5. Automatic machine translation: AutoGPT can be used for machine translation, automatically translating text content by learning the mapping between different languages.

The above are prospects given by ChatGPT 😅. As for me, Auto-GPT is still in the early stages, and the execution flow is not yet perfect. Additionally, its ability to access the internet is still limited. Therefore, the development author has introduced the functionality of Plugins. See the project. With further iterations in development, it is estimated that in the near future, J.A.R.V.I.S. from Iron Man will no longer be just a comic book character👀.

Lastly, I would like to say that ChatGPT is a milestone. It is not about how invincible it is, but rather the social transformation it represents, similar to the rise of the internet, which will permanently change human habits.

This reminds me of an interview with Bill Gates in the late 20th century. The situation was very similar to the present, in the early stages where people had not yet developed application areas. Gradually, prototypes of applications will emerge. There is a saying, "People always overestimate what will happen next year and underestimate what will happen in 10 years." The 10-year timeframe is based on past experience, but now it may need to be changed to 5 years.



Auto-GPT Official Project

Auto-GPT Chinese Version


Bill Gates Talk on the Internet


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