

热爱技术的小菜鸟, 记录一下所学所感

vc-lm-any2one's timbre converter


This article provides a brief introduction to vc-lm.

vc-lm is a voice converter that can transform anyone's voice into thousands of different voices.


1. What is vc-lm?#

This project is a voice converter that can transform anyone's voice into thousands of different voices. It uses encodec to discretize the audio into tokens and builds a transformer language model on top of these tokens. The project consists of two-stage models: AR model and NAR model. It can be trained in a self-supervised manner to generate a large amount of one-to-any parallel data, which can be used to train an Any-to-One voice conversion model. Training on target speaker data only takes 10 minutes to achieve good results.

2. vc-lm Algorithm Architecture#

Referring to the Vall-E paper, the project uses the encodec algorithm to discretize the audio into tokens and builds a transformer language model on top of these tokens. The project consists of two-stage models: AR model and NAR model.

3. vc-lm Usage and Training#

The training of vc-lm is divided into two steps: training the one-to-any generation data first, and then using this data to train the any-to-one conversion model.


Refer to tools/ to process the wav source files into files with lengths of 10 to 24 seconds.

Refer to tools/ to construct the dataset.

Extract the encoder module from whisper using python tools/ --input_model=../whisper/ --output_model=../whisper-encoder/

Adjust the relevant storage paths in the configuration file, and then train the AR and NAR models separately:

python fit --config configs/ar_model.yaml
python fit --config configs/nar_model.yaml

After training, perform inference testing:

from vc_lm.vc_engine import VCEngine
engine = VCEngine('/pathto/vc-models/ar.ckpt',
output_wav = engine.process_audio(content_wav,style_wav, max_style_len=3, use_ar=True)           

Any-to-One Training:

Construct the target dataset, similar to the previous method.

Construct the Any-to-One parallel data: python

Load the pre-trained models and train on the target dataset:

python fit --config configs/finetune_ar_model.yaml
python fit --config configs/finetune_nar_model.yaml

Perform inference testing:

from vc_lm.vc_engine import VCEngine
engine = VCEngine('/pathto/jr-ar.ckpt',
output_wav = engine.process_audio(content_wav,style_wav, max_style_len=3, use_ar=True)           

4. Conclusion#

There are pre-trained models available for download on the official project.

It is important to note that this project is different from TTS. vc-lm focuses on voice conversion and can achieve good conversion results with a small amount of target data fine-tuning.



Official Project




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